If you are sure you saved your game, and it is not there, heres some things you can try: Select "Yes" to confirm the deletion of all selected files.As of the release of Fallout 4 New Vegas, there is a problem with save games disappearing or being deleted. Press the "Triangle" button and select "Delete." If you have multiple files you wish to delete, you can select "Delete Multiple" and choose what files you wish to delete by scrolling through the list and selecting them with the "X" button.

All game saves from all of your games are stored together in a single list, so the list may be quite long depending on the size of your PS3 library. Select the "Fallout: New Vegas" save file you wish to delete. Select "Game" from the PS3 home menu, followed by "Saved Data Utility (PS3)." Repeat these steps as necessary to delete all desired save files. The other files are system data and other necessary information. Select the desired save file and press the "A" button, then select "Delete." Your save files will be indicated by your character's name, level and playtime - delete only these files. Select "Games and Apps," followed by "Fallout: New Vegas." Select "Storage," followed by "Hard Drive." If your game saves are stored on Microsoft's Xbox Live cloud servers, select the "Cloud Saved Games" option instead. Select the Settings tab from the home menu, followed by the "System" tile. You can paste them back into the folder at any time to restore the files to a playable state. If you only want to remove the files from the load screen but still want to preserve the data itself, cut the files and paste them into a different folder elsewhere on your computer. Select and delete the desired save files.

While the files themselves can be deleted, this folder should always remain intact to prevent any issues with creating a new save file. Select the "FalloutNV" folder, followed by the "Saves" folder.